lifestyle blog

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

72 Hours in Venice

Earlier this Summer I headed to Venice for a girls trip. With one thing and another I'd done very little prior research, but as a back up plan we could eat pizza and drink aperol on a gondola for 3 days straight - so even at it's worst, it would be pretty good!

Luckily, my younger sister, who is significantly better at adulting than I, had done a bit of ground work and we managed to conquer city, beach and island in 72 hours. Don’t worry, there was a hella lotta pizza and aperol too! 

DAY 1: City

10:00 First things first, buy yourself an extra AF hat. 

10:30 Wander around without real destination. You'll cover some real ground crossing Venice's many bridges, taking in the elaborate architecture and exploring deserted back streets. Your Fitbit will never have been more smug.

13:00 Eat a slice the size of your head and get the spritz' in, to bring said Fitbit down a peg or two.

14:00 Be a shameless tourist and take a gondola ride because when in Rome (Or Venice). It's a pricey 30 minutes but the boats are beautiful and if you're looking to save some euros you can always have up to 6 passengers in a gondola without affecting the cost. 

Choose where you get on your gondola carefully, jumping aboard on a quiet back canal might be preferable to being bumper to bumper with boats down the grand canal. 

16:00 Head to Piazza San Marco and take a moment soak up the busy square's atmosphere. Dominating one side of the square you have Saint Marks Basillica with its gleaming mosaics, domes and golden statues. Opposite you'll find Doge's Palace in all its gothic glory, former home to the ruler of Venice. Today it is, and rightly so, one of the citys must see museums and architiectural marvels.

18:00 Now to the Rialto Bridge, here you'll find hoards spilling out of the bars with their early evening drinks. Al Buso gives 'dinner with a view' a whole new meaning - here you can pitch up at the base of the bridge for bubbles and fresh seafood plates while watching the comings and goings of the Grand Canal. Try to see past the selfie-ing crowds and focus on the real star of the show, the lobster spaghetti. 

DAY 2: Beach

11:00 Your Fitbit might be as chuffed as (kale) chips with you but your feet less likely to feeling the love after yesterdays pavement pounding. Take a vaperetto (water taxi) over to Lido for distinct change in pace. Lido is Venice's answer to the seaside, sans fish & chips and a stick of rock!

12:00 The beach wont blow your mind in a maldives kinda way but pitch up, either on the free beach or hire yourself a sunbed, and enjoy some down time. 

12:00 - 17:00 Spritz, nap, read, spritz, pizza, nap, spritz...

17:00  Now those pins are well rested, head back up to Lido's main thouroughfare Gran Viale Santa Maria Elisabetta. It's time for pasta, you'll be spoilt for choice, and if you fancy getting back in the fitbits good books you can hire bikes and explore. The roads in Lido are fairly quiet and there are a number of hire shops, just take ID as a deposit. Plus the pastel coloured bikes are all kinds of insta goals.

DAY 3: Island


10:00 Jump on a vaporetto from Venice and cross the 1.5 kilometres water over to the Island of Murano. This little island is famed for its manufacture of decorative Murano glass and as you can imagine there's alot of it to see. Wander the streets of little stores filled with colourful glassworks and craftsmen at work. If you're one for museums you can head over to the Museo del Vetro for an education in all things glass.


14:00 Island hopping is the order of the day, so jump on another vaporetto and head over to the fishermans island of Burano. Here you'll find rows of little houses, painted in the brightest sherbet shades. Strangely these multi coloured abodes are not just for the benefit of the gram but to help fisherman find their way home through the thick fog of the lagoon. Make a pitstop at Emilia Burano and Martina Vidal, here you can explore generations of traditional lacemaking and look on in awe at craftswomen at work. 

16:00 Head back to Venice and buy all the leather bags and linen your suitcase can handle while you have the chance and of course there's always time for one last spritz.

Venice, I miss you already x


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