lifestyle blog

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Lessons in Self Love

I'm a seasoned pro at being a little too hard on myself, scolding myself for needing a day off work or beating myself up for taking too long to reply to a message. We've all been there, I'm sure. I've lost count how many times people have asked ‘why are you so hard on yourself?’ or ‘would you give your friends such a hard time if the roles were reversed?’ On reflection these people are are all far wiser than me so maybe I should start taking note. Especially from mums & dads, they know everything.

Sometimes keeping all the balls life throws at us, up in the air, feels like an impossible task and time just for yourself finds itself way down at the bottom of pile. So here's 10 ways to brighten up those days when you feel like the balls are all over the floor. Put your phone on silent, the washing up isn't going anywhere and the email will wait - take a minute to do something just for you. I might just join you!

1. Walk - 15 minutes or 3 miles! Never underestimate the power of some fresh air.

2. Buy a yourself a nice magazine to read and take the time to read it in peace (not one that’s going to make you feel like you should eat kale exclusively for a month - inspiring articles and great recipes are my go to)

3. Don't wait to be bought those flowers - treat yourself girl! If you haven't already discovered the joy that is Lidl £2.39 vintage pink roses - then you are most welcome.

4. Change your bed sheets, light your favourite candle and lay out a fresh pair of pyjamas - come bed time you'll in all sorts of sweet scented, fresh sheet heaven. 

5. Make a teeny tiny online purchase, in a couple of days time you'll be arriving home to guilt free happy post!

6. Turn off social media for an evening, I'm scrolling as much (if not more) than the next person, but once in a while not being consumed by everyone elses life, does wonders for yours.

7. A little DIY mani-pedi never goes a miss - you know that certain sass you feel with fresh nails? That goes a long way. 

8. Watch 10 minutes of funny puppy and kitten videos on YouTube - game changer.

9.  Whatever your plans for the day, set your alarm half an hour early and enjoy breakfast in bed, with a side of morning television. Fresh pastries essential, Piers Morgan optional. 

10. Be brave and say no to that social engagement you don’t want to go to, by next week no one will remember you were a no show and 3 minutes into your Netflix binge neither will you.


Use number 10 with caution, please don’t cancel on your best friends birthday party on my say so. 

1-10 are all better when accompanied with chocolate and sometimes, if not always, wine.  

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