lifestyle blog

More weeks than I care to mention have passed since I have found the time to string a selection of vaguely coherent words together and ...
The high street is dying - I am sure it is not a phrase you are unfamiliar with. I only have to think of my local town centre - a cacophony ...
The high street is dying - I am sure it is not a phrase we are unfamiliar with. I only have to think of my local town centre - a cacophony o...
If you need a reference point I am the girl 'that doesn't even go here, wants to eat a cake made of rainbows and smile...
Earlier this Summer I headed to Venice for a girls trip. With one thing and another I'd done very little prior research, but as a b...
I'm a seasoned pro at being a little too hard on myself, scolding myself for needing a day off work or beating myself up for taking ...
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